Why become a RECIPROC-IT partner

Our aim is to foster lasting relationships with organisations that share a commitment to the public good. It is our common responsibility to build and develop meaningful and profitable relationships, essential to achieving effective results in terms of safety and risk management.
  • Whether you are a service provider in the field of information systems security and/or risk management: We give you the necessary tools to better understand the vulnerabilities of your clients.
  • Whether you are an insurance company or a broker: We give you the tool to better assess the level of cyber security maturity of your current and future clients in order to better respond to their insurance needs. It's time to offer the fairest insurance policy.
  • Whether you are a training school, a university or a technological research centre: we provide you our know-how, our research and our tools to prepare the experts of tomorrow.

  • Whether you are a big company, a small or medium-sized enterprise, an administration or an association, we help you to analyze and manage your risks: Our pragmatic global response will appeal to you.